
This page introduces to the basics of Oblate.

Oblate’s main components is the oblate.Schema class which is used to define schemas that can be used for validating data. A schema is essentially a data class. Start by defining your own schema:

from oblate import fields
import oblate

class User(oblate.Schema):
    id = fields.Integer()
    username = fields.String()
    is_employee = fields.Boolean(default=False)

Each schema has fields which are essentially just the attributes of a schema. oblate.fields provides various pre-defined fields that support standard validation rules.

Now we can use raw data to initialize our schema:

john = User({'id': 1, 'username': 'John'})
emily = User({'id': 2, 'username': 'Emily', 'is_employee': True})

print(john.username, "is employee?", john.is_employee)  # John is employee? False
print(emily.username, "is employee?", emily.is_employee)  # Emily is employee? True

Each field of the schema is accessed exactly the same way as normal attributes of a class are accessed. Note how the default argument was used for defaulting is_employee value. There are many other similar options that allow easy customization of each field.